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Walter wrote back in Novemeber 2009 this entry: I'd like you to read what he wrote and then I responded to him.
I have been “in” Monavie since June 2005…6 months after it started…and I am not making any money in the business. Why? Because “I” have not put in the amount of time and work that is required. Some people think that network marketing is some genie that if you pay your startup fee, in this case $39.00, you will have a downline built for you and you can just sit back and let the money roll in. It’s not that way at all. You are rewarded for your efforts. If you make little to no effort…there is no reward. That’s the way life is, both in and outside of network marketing. Monavie is no different. My lack of success in it is only due to MY not putting the time necessary into it and not following the advise of the leadership. I get tired of hearing people blame everything and everyone but themselves. Time to look in the mirror. As for the product, Monavie is wonderful. I can only tell you what has happened to me since drinking it. I am off insulin, blood pressure medication, and have lost 85 pounds without doing anything different except drinking it. Mind you, I am not saying that it is a medicine, that it cured me, or that you will get the same results. I am only telling you why I personally will not stop drinking it. As for the business opportunity…you get out of it what you put into it. If 91% of the people who become involved with Monavie are not making commissions, it’s because they are either in to get the wholesale pricing or they are not working the business. It’s that simple. Stop blaming the company. Success comes to the person who truly puts forth the effort.
I want to comment in response to Walter who wrote on the 12th of November.
Okay, my story goes like this.
Monavie Active does work. It gives you glucosomine and it is in liquid form, which is effective over time. It's not a magical juice that heals you instantly. Monavie doesn't want anyone to make crazy claims. We have to be careful, when thinking about the FDA. I interject that Big Pharmaceutical companies don't want to lose BILLIONS of dollars, right. It's big business. Only drugs can be patented. Foods are not allowed to be patented. God made them.
I see a lot of bantering on this site about making claims about God and Jesus. Some people who spoken their peace/piece, are mad at sitting in a R3Global event and singing praises to God. Well, let's look at it this way~~What other company out there puts God first and gives God the glory? Must we be so politically correct and allow gays to marry but not have our priorities set straight? The good old USA was established on religious freedoms and Monavie is stepping up to the plate to put God first, family 2nd, their country 3rd and business 4th.
So what if that offends some? Everyone has their own opinion.
But back to Walt's statement. Walt you are correct. You get paid strictly on your activity in this business........or if you were in another MLM, it would pay you accordingly to the POLICIES AND PROCEDURES and if you followed the plan. If you sponsor no people, you make no money. If people on your team participate and play as a team, then everyone on the team that participates wins. It just like 2 baseball team! If 2 teams meet, and play ball and all the team members participate, there's winners and losers. The baseball players make millions of dollars for striking out. So do MLM business people!
So, if you are trying to make a decision about being involved in MONAVIE, please get the facts. Monavie was #1 in food in beverage, #18 overall and #3 in revenue generated in 2008. It hit the INC. magazine in September of 2009. So read the facts. It generated $1 BILLION in revenue from January 2005 to April 2008. It is the FASTEST growing company in America. Hands down! Don't knock this opportunity!
You get what you put into it! More effort and then more results! Thank you for admitting that you didn't make much money, because of your own efforts. One more point, team commissions are paid to you by the efforts of other team members. So, do you get paid like that in a JOB? No, you never get paid, when someone in your office puts out a lot of effort or is lazy. This is an opportunity full of potential. Now, go do what it takes to succeed. Put out more effort. I need to!
Remember, if you have negative results, you are more likely to say negative. If you have positive results, you'll speak positively. Working in this industry has a lot to do with personal development. If you are growing, you can do this business. Plain and simple. If you're not willing to grow and change and become, like God wants us to, you will have more challenges.
Watch the Secret. It has the keys to the law of attraction. Think positively. Believe that you can achieve. Dream. Step out of your comfort zone. Stretch yourself. Don't live life as a Victim. Like it as a Victor.
God bless!