(M)mun has 7 clinical trials and 40 patents

(M)mun has 7 clinical trials and 40 patents
Drink it for a DAILY DEFENSE!

If you can dream it, if you believe it, you can achieve it!

When you value your health, and desire a simple way to get the nutrition missing from the American diet today, MonaVie meets the needs of our bodies, delivering many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
When you look in the mirror, you want to see your best self, right? You can reveal your best self!
There's a simple way to get back to your ideal weight, fit into the skinny jeans again and feel sexy!
Review the site:
Find out who succeeded with this program. Find out that you can too!

Monday, February 22, 2010

I found an interesting site with people speaking their minds about Monavie. It's interesting the thoughts shared.
Here's the site address:

Walter wrote back in Novemeber 2009 this entry: I'd like you to read what he wrote and then I responded to him.
Walt Kaczmarek says:

I have been “in” Monavie since June 2005…6 months after it started…and I am not making any money in the business. Why? Because “I” have not put in the amount of time and work that is required. Some people think that network marketing is some genie that if you pay your startup fee, in this case $39.00, you will have a downline built for you and you can just sit back and let the money roll in. It’s not that way at all. You are rewarded for your efforts. If you make little to no effort…there is no reward. That’s the way life is, both in and outside of network marketing. Monavie is no different. My lack of success in it is only due to MY not putting the time necessary into it and not following the advise of the leadership. I get tired of hearing people blame everything and everyone but themselves. Time to look in the mirror. As for the product, Monavie is wonderful. I can only tell you what has happened to me since drinking it. I am off insulin, blood pressure medication, and have lost 85 pounds without doing anything different except drinking it. Mind you, I am not saying that it is a medicine, that it cured me, or that you will get the same results. I am only telling you why I personally will not stop drinking it. As for the business opportunity…you get out of it what you put into it. If 91% of the people who become involved with Monavie are not making commissions, it’s because they are either in to get the wholesale pricing or they are not working the business. It’s that simple. Stop blaming the company. Success comes to the person who truly puts forth the effort.

I want to comment in response to Walter who wrote on the 12th of November.
Okay, my story goes like this.
Monavie Active does work. It gives you glucosomine and it is in liquid form, which is effective over time. It's not a magical juice that heals you instantly. Monavie doesn't want anyone to make crazy claims. We have to be careful, when thinking about the FDA. I interject that Big Pharmaceutical companies don't want to lose BILLIONS of dollars, right. It's big business. Only drugs can be patented. Foods are not allowed to be patented. God made them.
I see a lot of bantering on this site about making claims about God and Jesus. Some people who spoken their peace/piece, are mad at sitting in a R3Global event and singing praises to God. Well, let's look at it this way~~What other company out there puts God first and gives God the glory? Must we be so politically correct and allow gays to marry but not have our priorities set straight? The good old USA was established on religious freedoms and Monavie is stepping up to the plate to put God first, family 2nd, their country 3rd and business 4th.

So what if that offends some? Everyone has their own opinion.

But back to Walt's statement. Walt you are correct. You get paid strictly on your activity in this business........or if you were in another MLM, it would pay you accordingly to the POLICIES AND PROCEDURES and if you followed the plan. If you sponsor no people, you make no money. If people on your team participate and play as a team, then everyone on the team that participates wins. It just like 2 baseball team! If 2 teams meet, and play ball and all the team members participate, there's winners and losers. The baseball players make millions of dollars for striking out. So do MLM business people!

So, if you are trying to make a decision about being involved in MONAVIE, please get the facts. Monavie was #1 in food in beverage, #18 overall and #3 in revenue generated in 2008. It hit the INC. magazine in September of 2009. So read the facts. It generated $1 BILLION in revenue from January 2005 to April 2008. It is the FASTEST growing company in America. Hands down! Don't knock this opportunity!

You get what you put into it! More effort and then more results! Thank you for admitting that you didn't make much money, because of your own efforts. One more point, team commissions are paid to you by the efforts of other team members. So, do you get paid like that in a JOB? No, you never get paid, when someone in your office puts out a lot of effort or is lazy. This is an opportunity full of potential. Now, go do what it takes to succeed. Put out more effort. I need to!

Remember, if you have negative results, you are more likely to say negative. If you have positive results, you'll speak positively. Working in this industry has a lot to do with personal development. If you are growing, you can do this business. Plain and simple. If you're not willing to grow and change and become, like God wants us to, you will have more challenges.

Watch the Secret. It has the keys to the law of attraction. Think positively. Believe that you can achieve. Dream. Step out of your comfort zone. Stretch yourself. Don't live life as a Victim. Like it as a Victor.

God bless!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Do you have loved ones who are now receiving chemotherapy?

We have have several friends and family who have entered the world of cancer and chemotherapy in the past 10 years.
We have one friend, Dan, who has had a triple bi-pass surgery, then discovered, due to a loss of blood, that he had colon cancer. Then before he was able to be released to go home, he found out he was diabetic as well.
Wow! That's quite a bit of illness and disease to pile up on one person. Well, we can attribute quite a lot of this to the American way. Fast food, sugary drinks and snacks, pasteurized milk products, lack of sleep, shift work, stress and we could go on and on.
We have another friend, who went from being healthy and he was having regular check-ups for his lungs due to exposure to asbestos, to having cancer spread throughout his bones. He lived longer than doctors expected. But he is no longer living. Could he still be alive? Yes.

Many a cancer-survivor there are.
Suzanne Somers
So, check out her story and her books. Read up! Knowledge is power!

Here's an important video:
Just listen to the pros. I know very little, but these fellows are the ones you want to listen to. I am learning, so that if I ever am told that I have cancer, I will know what I am going to tell my doctor. Well, I go to a naturpath, but IF I went to a medical doctor.

In 2005, my sister insisted I read a book. This book has changed my views and my habits. My choice of foods, water, exercise, activities and whether I microwave my food or not has been altered since I read his main book. So please, check out his site. He has sold 20 million copies.

One other thing, I just discovered this past week is a product that I learned, in 2005 about. We are all exposed to wireless technology of all sorts and we are bombarded with it, whether we like it or not. It is the unseen cause of our decline in health. There's a company based out of Singapore.
Magic Wand

Listen to this audio:

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Auto-immune Diseases

Hey, recently I received some information from the Autoimmune Association. They are wanting a donation to further the cure for autoimmune diseases. Pretty typical!
They are based out of East Detroit, Michigan.

I have hypothyroidisim. My mother had it. So I'm not surprised I have it. Well, I've taken prescription thyroid replacement since 2001. That's not the only answer, even though my medical doctor seems to think that's the only thing she can give me.

Since then, I've seen a naturpath and learned I need a whole lot more than just thyroid replacement pills.

Here's some statistics on autoimmune diseases.
23.5 million Americans suffer from autoimmune diseases and the prevalence is rising.

Cancer affects up to 9 million people.

Heart disease affects 22 million people.

Wow! Unbelievable! Why are so many Americans sick. Did you realize this? Do you see the impact of the sickness industry. Do you believe our healthcare system is seeking to resolve the problems in Americans? EVERYONE is sick in America!!!!!!!!

Autoimmune diseases is one of the top 10 leading causes of death in CHILDREN AND WOMEN under 65 and represents some $100 billion in annual direct health care costs. WOW!
There are 80 know autoimmune disease and an additional 40 diseases that are suspected to be autoimmune-related.

These diseases affect nearly every organ of our body. The immune system mistakenly recognizes the body's own proteins as foreign invaders and begins producing antibodies that attack healthy cells and tissues, causing a variety of diseases.

Visit www.aarda.org for more detailed information and a comlete disease list.

Friday, February 5, 2010


What do the recession, the economy, the government, our politicians and the media all have in common? You can answer that for yourself. My answer is they have created a belief that you need to be REALLY SKEPTICAL in this life. Even churches and religion in general shake our faith in GOD. They make us doubt.

Feed your faith.
Starve your fear.
God is love.
There is no fear in love or in GOD.

Being politically correct is not a concern of DALLIN LARSEN, CEO of Monavie. He trusts in God and strives to put God first, his family 2nd, his country 3rd and Monavie 4th. We start each regional meeting out with a prayer and a pledge of allegiance to the flag, and we sing the anthems of those attending, whether it is to the American flag or the Canadian flag, or where ever Monavie is doing business. They are presently in 15 countries.

Skepticism is everywhere in the mind of humans. Doubt and fear and doom and gloom casts long shadows in the minds and hearts of men and women. People rely on empty technology, instead of getting out and actually socializing. Have you noticed? Even this blog is impersonal.

It's generic. It's for those who stumble upon it. Twitter, tweet, face, space and im. But we can reach more people, maybe.

Well, I want to dispel some doubts about what I'm involved in.
Since my involvement started in June 2008, I have researched a lot on the Internet. Health, acai, multi-level marketing, business opportunities, social networking etc. Many companies abound in all countries. The functional beverage category is thriving and yes, there are some that came before Monavie. Yes, there are other beverages that contain some level of acai. You can get it at most retail locations. The question is: Do you want to have an opportunity in your own home, to benefit your own family and build a legacy? BOTTOM LINE.

"Profits are better than wages." Who's quote is that? He's not living anymore. He was a charming, gifted speaker and taught 10,000's of people to open their minds to possibilities. Jim Rohn, yes!

Plant some seed.

Well, Monavie is rock solid. Track record is excellent. "If you're going to be blessed, go out and be a blessing!"

Some proof:

Maria Fiorini Ramirez
Maria Fiorini Ramirez is President & Chief Executive Officer of Maria Fiorini Ramirez, Inc., (MFR)
an independent global economic and financial consulting firm formed in August 1992.
The Wall Street Journal named Maria as the top inflation forecaster from 2001-2004, as one of
the top three economists for the year 2000, and
selected her as the #1 economic forecaster in the first half of 2001.
Mrs. Ramirez is a frequent speaker at U.S. and international forums and is a regular guest on a
variety of television and radio networks such as CNBC, CNN, CNNfn, ABC, Fox News, Bloomberg
Financial News, PBS, CBS, and TV Tokyo. She is also a regular contributor to the Nihon Keizai
Shimbun, Japan s leading financial publication.
She recently made the following statement regarding MonaVie's future.
"Within the functional food and nutritional beverage category, MonaVie is perfectly
positioned for exponential growth. I fully expect them to become the prominent driver
within this category over the coming years."

There's a long list of press releases, AND IT'S POSITIVE PRESS, about Monavie. So feel free to visit and read each tidbit of news.
When searching for Monavie, you can either focus on negative or positive, just like with anything else in life. If you look for positive you will find it.

71 athletes are listed as using Monavie products for joint health and recovery from various sports. They have also chosen to become a distributor of Monavie.

The list is ever-growing of endorsements and the who's who that is drinking Monavie.
  1. Boston Red Sox-official drink
  2. Los Angeles Angels-Emv offical energy drink
  3. NBA Houston Rockets- Emv energy drink Official Partner
  4. Monavie Cannondale bike team http://monavie-cannondale.com/
  5. Monavie sponsored a car in the INDY 500: with Tomas Scheckter at the wheel

Weight loss anyone?

Many people complain of excess weight, which they would love to lose. Since this is the most obese nation on the planet, it's not hard to get a fair number of those not happy with their shape. Yes I know, round is a shape, but it looks better on oranges and bowling balls.

Discipline is essential in losing weight. This discipline involves food choice, time of consumption, volume of food consumed, and activity levels. Those who see the greatest success are those who eliminate sugar and sodas from their diet.

Eating natural, whole foods prepared at home serves to eliminate chemical additives that trick your brain into telling you that you to eat more. Additives in food that create this sensation are High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), and sugar. HFCS reduces the amount of leptin your liver produces. This is a hormone that tells your brain you’re full. If you drink a soda after finishing a meal, the HFCS will reduce the leptin production, causing you to still feel hungry, even when you may have just consumed a large amount of calories.

Examine foods in your home and when shopping. You may be surprised at what you find. Applesauce, pancake syrup and many canned foods contain HFCS.

Another area that sabotages people are trans fats. Remember this. Labels lie! If you read on a label zero grams of trans fat, read on. You’ll probably find the words partially hydrogenated oil in the contents. This is trans fat!

A study that compared diets using olive oil and those using trans fats showed a 7% greater body weight in the trans fat group. This helps to explain why European statistics show lower incidence of heart disease. Trans fats increase levels of bad LDL cholesterol and they decrease the good HDL.

Extensive research on vitamin D has shown that when vitamin D levels are too low, there’s an increase in enzymes which actually accelerate the conversion of calories to fat. Ever wonder why people who spend time in the sun seem skinnier?

Exercise is something many really don’t want to hear about. An hour of watching TV burns only 5 calories an hour. Watching the Super Bowl and drinking one soda will give you a net increase of 140 calories after only 20 burned. Those who exercise regularly are the ones who consistently keep the weight off.

If you’re missing a gallbladder, it’s more difficult to lose weight due to poor fat emulsification. The use of bile salts in this situation can help to correct this.

To lose weight and keep it off, drink water instead of fruit juice and sodas. Eat more meals at home. Avoid sweets and pastries for breakfast. Take mid morning protein snack with you to work (This can be nuts, boiled egg or cheese). Eat a mixed green salad with protein on it for lunch. Exercise at least a half-hour daily. Choose to park further from the store and use stairs in lieu of elevators. Avoid HFCS, MSG, and trans fats. Cut back on sugar and use foods which are high in chromium to increase your body’s ability to burn calories (we like to use a product which is a glucose tolerance formula from Standard Process). Restore gallbladder function with bile salts if it has been removed. And lastly, entertain a spirit of joy in your heart. This serves to increase metabolism and strengthen your immune system.

I have to give the credit to my wonderful naturpathic doctor, Dr. John Briggs for this article. He has helped me with my health problems, which includes chronic hives, heart palpitations, thyroid dysfunction and chronic infection.

Medical doctors believe in surgery and prescriptions, while a naturpath doctor treats the whole body.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wow! This is delicious! Everyone needs it!

(M)mun was released on the market in January 5 th, 2010.
If you have Facebook, check out the Group~~~New Monavie (M)mun.

All the information is there that you need, so I won't put it all on this blog. Most importantly, this specially formulated functional beverage gives you a daily defense against the attacks against your immune system.

• Supports healthy immune function
• Works by priming key immune cells for action
• Is a unique ingredient that supports the immune system without stimulation
• By supporting immune function, Wellmune is clinically shown to promote vitality and vigor and improved feelings of well-being in times of stress
• Shown to be safe and beneficial in seven (7) clinical trials
• Is protected by 12 patents and patents pending (7 patents and 5 patents pending)

There is another web-site that you can visit:

Dr. Paul Clayton spoke in Anaheim, California on January 23rd to the audience, about the clinical trials that have already been done on Wellmune, which is found in (M)mun.
There's a series of his videos on YouTube, which can be found by searching by Dr. Clayton's name. Feel free to listen to what he has to say. He is just one of the experts on this newest product.
Another scientist involved in the development of (M)mun is Don Cox and he spoke on the web-cast on January 4th, 2010. This can viewed on MonaVie Media Center.

I enjoy the fact that there are natural products of the highest quality, made available not only in the USA, but all over the world to those who want to avoid immunizations and pharmaceuticals. My personal choice is to put healthy and natural things in my body to prevent me from getting disease. Malnutrition leads to disease. Why are we malnourished in America? We have too much food available. It's not the abundance, that is the issue. It is the fact there is a fast-food restaurant on every corner, that is our problem. Low-quality food is made readily available and cheap. Organic foods and healthy alternatives, like organic milk are 4 times more expensive, so it is discouraging us from eating and drinking things that are smarter for us to eat! Then we have the economy forcing us to be cheaper and cheaper. We need to spend more on our health, so that we don't have to spend more on sick-care. It's not really healthcare: our doctors and hospitals. That is referred to, in reality, as sick-care. Our doctors are dealing with cancers and heart disease, because we haven't addressed our health with a preventative mind-set, but rather with a reactive medicine mind-set.

To purchase any MonaVie products, you can order at wholesale prices, by becoming a preferred customer. Just visit this site:
By clicking the BUY button, you can get wholesale prices.
By clicking the JOIN button, you can become a distributor, and enjoy 10 ways of earning commissions and residual income.

MonaVie is the #1 fastest growing, debt-free relational marketing company on planet earth. Ask anyone involved with MonaVie if they are happy to be where they are, and I am sure you'll get a resounding YES.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


There are ten steps to follow for success:

  1. What is my "WHY"?~~ It is a known fact that if you have a big enough WHY, you can accomplish anything you set your mind and heart to. What is your dream? Why a dream? God is the dream-giver. Does that sound strange? It shouldn't. God gave Joseph 2 dreams in Genesis 37:5-11 His brothers envied him. His father observed the saying. What happened many years later? Those dreams came true, because God had given the dreams. He manifested those dreams into reality. In Genesis 40:5-8, the butler and the baker were given a dream. Joseph asked them "Don't interpretations of dreams belong to God?" The dreams ended up manifesting themselves. The chief baker was hanged and the butler's position was restored.
  2. Set some goals. If you don't know where you are going, you're sure to end up somewhere else. This quote came from J. Paul Getty. We must write down our goals. We must be specific, the goals must be measurable, realistic, yet challenging and have a date when we'll reach our goals. Proverbs 29:18 says Where there is no vision (goals) the people perish. The new living translation puts it this way, When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. We need to set small goals, and also some long-term goals. Your 'why' leads to goals, which lead to action, which leads to success.
  3. Be committed. Why start running a race, then quit before the finish line. Commit to being a finisher. We have an example of that in Jesus as well. Hebrews 12:2 Jesus is the author and finisher of OUR FAITH. In the world of business, we need to decide to invest some of our time, energy and financial resources in ourself and our business. Be a student of your business.
  4. Build a list of people. Who do you know? Do you know entrepreneurs? People with lots of influence? Do you have a large network of friends and family? A long-term effective distribution network is built by building relationships, not by rules or policies or just playing the numbers. This will be your strength. Choose wisely who you involve in your business. Include people that are fun to be around.
  5. Contact and invite people that you want to share your business opportunity with. The Internet is a powerful tool. We can connect with people globally and there's a huge advantage to that today. People who work a job, get paid once for the hours spent. On the other hand, you can share the possibility of earning a passive residual income with many people and that is pretty exciting!
  6. Show the plan to people! Have a party at your house to expose your prospects! Or introduce them with a video. The phone is also a powerful tool, with 3-way conferencing and other meeting formats on-line. Or we can meet at a local Internet cafe for lunch and discuss it over coffee. It's fun to be free and work where ever you choose!
  7. The most challenging thing is catching up with people the 2nd time around. Try to follow-up with people to find out their interest level. The fortune is in the follow-up!
  8. Get people properly started! However you do this, others will follow your example. Back to the thought of running a race: You can't be a winner, unless you START! Be a good sponsor! Set an appointment with those you sponsor, so that they know you are committed to staying the course with them, and helping them to reach their goals.
  9. Counsel with the wise! Look to your friends in the business who have had the most success. They have followed the SYSTEM and they have a larger belief, that can guide you along. Your success is determined by how many people you can help influence to become successful.
  10. If people can do exactly what you did, you are duplicable. This is a business that is 'color-by-number' easy. Follow the leader. Just as child-like as that. Nothing complicated. Lead by example.

Todd Hartog comes to Portland

Every first Tuesday of the month, we have a Monavie Open meeting. It's a great way to see who is actively building a life for themselves. As Jim Rohn often taught, we are working full-time at our jobs and part-time on our fortunes. Anyone can do this, IF THEY CHOOSE TO.

Not all people want to build a fortune. They just choose to have a JOB. Do you know what a good acronym for job is?

Okay, it makes sense. You go out day after day, month after month, just to pay the bills. We have a middle-class mentality. If you go to www.keithcameronsmith.com, you can view all his books and his books are also available on CD. So if you don't like to read, you can slide in a CD and listen to him, as well.
Well, he lays it out quite clearly how we humans function. We live paycheck to paycheck. You can change this, if you choose to.
Here's Todd's story. Check it out!

It's common people doing uncommonly well! Anyone can do this for themselves! Make your mind up and just do it!

If you have goals to pay off your mortgage, be debt-free, show your love to your spouse not only with LOVE but TIME, then go out and do this!
Monavie is the fastest VEHICLE out on this planet!

If you doubt that statement, don't take it from me. Don't look at the untrue and negative on the Internet about Monavie, look at what is really true. Please, I urge you about that. If you get involved, you will find out the TRUTH. If you choose to not get involved, you'll probably stay in the skeptic-mode. That's just the facts of life.

If you want to dash all DOUBTS, go to an event or just visit Monavie's official newsletter site. It will give you all the facts and positives about the culture and love felt and shared to all the world. Embrace it! You'll be happy that you did!
